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Scuba Skills

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Why learning regulator clearing?

While scuba diving, our lips seal the regulator and prevent water from entering our respiratory system. Although it’s an open system, water shouldn’t penetrate it, as there’s always air flow inside it. While scuba diving, sometimes we might need to take our regulator out, like when smiling and posing to the camera, or when we want to share air with our buddy in the unlikely event we went out of air.

As we place the regulator back in our mouth we need to clear the water that penetrated it prior to inhaling.

HOW to clear scuba REGULATOR

HOW to recover scuba Regulator

Why learning regulator recovery?

Imagine seeing a magnificent Manta Ray passing by, dropping you jaw and losing the regulator…not convinced? How about if your buddy accidentally knocks your regulator out of your mouth? You’d like to know how easy it is to recover it wouldn’t you?

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